San Francisco the Bellingham reunion.
It is strange how the chaos of travel and general inconsistency of plans can sometimes bring a large group of people together for a sunset on the beach. Jules and Kelsey, River, Islando and Shannon (the circus bus back from mexico), Tal, (Bellingham/SF) and Jeff (Jules' high school friend) sitting on a beach in SF together happly surprised. It was an amazing reunion and the sun seamed reluctant to disappear. In the last moment of sunset with nothing left but one horizontal line of sun against ocean, time seamed to slow down as the sun flattened itself into a disk of orange. we thought maybe that the sun would rise after its brief pause, or that rather some force had reversed the rotation of the earth... well that was getting a little far fetched. We had a lovely night. Saw an amazingly talented band, preceded by an awesome yo-yoist, and had loud conversations about consciousness .
The week before had been spent exploring the bay area. On sunday we made our way to the San Francisco Circus School. We talked to some graduates from the Clown conservatory program and toured the facility. After a brief sojourn to an indian restaurant where we were forced to make friends, we came back to the Circus School for Juggle club.
Impressions on the San Francisco Circus School Clown Conservatory Program:
1: Eighteen hours of class a week. leaving time for students to make money while they attend. But also making the class hour to $ ratio pretty high.
2: Cool location. In the Haight, next to the huge Golden Gate park. you would never be bored San Fran has a so much going on. But then maybe it would be hard to stay focused.
3: great facility in need of a renovation.
We stayed in the Bay with Kelsey's god friend Jana in Oakland. This was wonderful and we had loads of fun.
We also made it to Santa Cruz and saw Kelly Peach, some surfers and the sun for a while.
On thursday Jules tried to perform at Fisherman's wharf and all hopes of paying his way through clown college were scattered like his juggling. The scene at the Wharf is depressing. There is so much money to be had but the politics and management are stupid. The whole time he was there the same terrible statue mime was dancing in the circle pitch accompanied by a loud distorting boom box. Jules pulled off one show in a crappy spot before the scheduled performer showed up. Unless something changes San Francisco is not the place to street perform.
after today the blog posts will change because we are now in the middle of two different trips. Jules training an then touring with the Mud Bay Jugglers and Kelsey traveling in the south west.
Thank you: Jana, Kelly, Tal, for hosting us. Jeff for the moonshine, SF CIrcus School and Berkley jugglers for the fun, and the Indian Restaurant for the dance party and samosas!